Day 12; Tuesday. 5/16

I was very excited to go work with Dr. Roland Bryan, because I am really intrigued and interested in his field of work. The excitement and precision of each surgery is truly breathtaking to me. We did some cleanings today which was actually interesting to see because I got to see how different each doctor is doing the same procedure. Then we had a couple of new patients come in and we did X-rays on them to get a sense of their teeth and the problems they were facing. A big discussion question for a patient was whether to try and save the tooth and do a crown, or do an implant. It was a hard decision, and the patient said they would call and schedule the appointments needed when they had made a final decision, which needs to be soon because if they want to try and save the tooth, the longer the wait, the less likely saving it would work. Finally, I got to see my favorite procedure of my internship so far, which was an extraction of a tooth. It was the lower left molar and second on in from the back. An extraction, as stated before in an earlier blog, is when the area around the tooth is numbed and then they cut back the gums to get a full look of the tooth and so the tooth won't create any problems with the gum when extracted. Next, they drill the tooth in half to create an easier exit of the tooth, and once the pliers can fit in between the split tooth one side and then the other is extracted. Lastly, to cover the open wound, dissolvable stitches are sutured to close the wound, and they way Dr. Bryan does it is so fascinating. To others it might not be as interesting as I make it seem, but I really find it amazing how simple he makes it look and how perfect they come out! Today was a long day, I worked 8-5 with a 1-2 lunch break for a total of 8 hours! Tomorrow I will be back with Evelyn and then Thursday I will be returning back to Roland.
