Today was similar to yesterday with one of the surgeries, but there were complications today. We started with trying to extract the tooth, which happened to be a crown. That was extracted similar to yesterday, where he numbed the area and then drilled the crown in half then removed the crown with one piece and then the other. This surgery was different regarding yesterdays extraction, because the patient had what is called an ankylosed tooth, where there is no ligament between the root of the tooth and bone, so they were fused together. Dr. Bryan drilled in and around to remove the root of the tooth. Once the spot was X-rayed and made sure all of the tooth was gone, the open wound in the mouth was filled with bone graph material and then a membrane was put on top of the site to protect and make sure nothing gets in to infect the area. Once all that was done, Dr. Bryan stitched the patient back up and she was on her way. Another patient came in, and Dr. Bryan did an exploratory surgery, which is where they numb the area needed and open the gums. He was checking under the gums to make sure the implant and bone were healthy from prior surgery. Once that was all done and everything looked healthy, Dr. Bryan put the crown connector on top of the implant area. Once the crown was connected, he stitched the gums back and the patient was all done with surgeries. Lastly throughout the day was cleaning, post-ops, and consults, but one consult that stood out to me was a patient who was given different case studies Dr. Bryan had discussed with another Dentist. The patient is going to need, at first, all his upper teeth removed and have an implant denture put in, and after that they will do the same to the lower teeth. They went over previous cases and his specifically to determine the best option. Today was a more exciting day because there were more intense surgeries, and similar to yesterday. I worked with Dr. Bryan from 8-5 with a 1-2 lunch break, making my total hours for today being 8 more hours.
Losing all my teeth would be one of my worst nightmares! How do the patients handle that? Glad you had an exciting day!! :)