Day 14; Thursday. 5/18

Today I was very excited to be able to go back to Dr. Roland Bryan's office. It was a busy day, it started with just a post op. Then the next 2 patients were cleanings, but they weren't normal cleanings. When you go to a pariodontist, you go every 3 months, you have a problem where plaque goes under your gums meaning Dr. Bryan has to put the patient under local anesthesia, novacaine. Once the patient has numbess in a section, for example upper left, lower left, etc, he cuts the gum tissue open, lifts the gum up and cleans the plaque hidden under then stitches the gums back in place. The next patient came in for a routine extraction of tooth number 19, lower left side. She was given multiple doses of novacaine, but the tooth near the root was too infected that she was getting pain when Dr. Bryan was trying to extract it. Dr. Bryan did not want to put her through pain, so he filled the hole in the tooth he had made temporarily and gave her antibiotics to take so her pain would be reduced to feeling nothing. She scheduled to come back in later once the antibiotics had kicked in. The next 2 final patients came in for a similar reason as the ones mentioned earlier, the pariodontist filling. That was all the patients I saw today, we were so packed with what happened I didn't get a break for lunch and worked 8-4 for a total of 8 hours!
